#Ynsecter- Getting to know Xavier Starosta, Shift Manager


Xavier heard about Ÿnsect thanks to his previous daily commute, driving past the construction site of the Amiens farm. Intrigued by its size, he decided to investigate, and quickly learnt about Ynsect. Excited and immediately passionate about our mission, he decided to apply. A devoted father of two daughters, the idea of helping to improve their future on this planet was enough of a reason for him to apply; indeed, Xavier’s heart is often the guiding star of his decisions. Unwilling to follow a traditional academic path, he left high school in the middle of his senior year to join the military. After a few months, he seized an opportunity that led him to Paris to become a Maintenance Technician. After a year and a half, he met his current wife and left the capital to return to his beloved Hauts-de-France. He worked for ten years in the Cold Stroke industry and then, due to the economic crisis that severely affected his business, he decided to return to the field.

Today, Xavier is a Shift Manager and will soon have close to 15 people to manage at the Amiens site. He assists his teams in their day-to-day activities, ensures that deadlines are reached, provides training, and monitors the objectives of each team member. Pulling his weight alongside his coworkers, he treads the ground of the world’s largest vertical farm every day: a project he is very proud of. With all this footwork, it’s no surprise that he is also a passionate runner.

The closeness to his teams is why Xavier identifies with solidarity the most among the group’s values. The group’s strength, common spirit and individual relationships within it, are aspects dear to his heart, making him the empathetic and kind leader he is. “The heart has its reasons” he says: an idea whose values Xavier tries to instill in those dear to him, and who he works with, every day!