#Ynsecter – Henri Jeannin, Senior Insects Expert


Henri is something of a father figure to Ynsect. This tall, strapping man with a long beard and an infectious laugh is one of the reasons Ynsect exists. And for good reason: it’s thanks to him that the Dole farm breeding program was launched. Henri has already had a thousand lives: before Ynsect, he worked in forestry for a long time. Starting out as a forest ranger, he went on to study tree rings before joining the French Office National des Forêts and then the French DRAF (Direction régionale de l’Alimentation, de l’Agriculture et de la Forêt). Fascinated by insects, he then began breeding several species and quickly became a major supplier not only to zoos, but also to research centers, care centers and even nurserymen. In 2015, 4 young people with a wild idea came knocking on his door, offering to buy his Tenebrio Molitor farm and create France’s first vertical farm. The idea won him over, and Henri joined the Ynsect adventure.

10 years later, Henri is a senior insects expert. He saw our farm in Dole rise from the ground and was fully involved in the construction of the one in Amiens, the largest of its kind. On a daily basis, he spends most of his time in the field, observing insects in various conditions, in search of the best balance between performance and well-being. His goal: to contribute to the farm’s productivity. He believes that passion, openness and sharing are all essential qualities for successfully carrying out his mission. You need to be passionate to be able to innovate.

What convinced him to join Ynsect was the pioneering, innovative and, above all, rich aspect of the project. Henri never tires of stressing the importance of teamwork and working together. In fact, among Ynsect’s values, it’s solidarity that appeals to him most. With a nod to his profession as a breeder, he declares that we are also a gregarious species, and that we never evolve as well as we do when we work together, pushed upwards. One thing is certain: at Ynsect, Henri is one of those people who motivate, enthuse and inspire others in their pursuit of success.